Northeast Side Church Of Christ

About Us

NESCOC is a growing church serving God in Bartlett, TN. The community of believers
known as the Northeast Side Church, was established in 2009. We believe in the trinity,  God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be one and presently active in His church. We believe that salvation from sin is in Jesus and without him there is no other way. We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God. The Old Testament was written for our learning and the New Testament for our living through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that one is saved from sin by adhering to the gospel of Christ, which is the teaching of the Prophets of old and the Apostles. We believe that the body of Christ is one and all the saved are in that one body. We believe that true worship is a daily walk with Christ, which include gathering as God’s family, giving Him praise and edifying one another. We believe that all have a place to serve in the Kingdom of God through obedience to His Spirit. We believe that after death, eternity in heaven with God is only accessed by obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to “Help People Experience Jesus” through BELIEVING that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God, experiencing BELONGING to the fellowship of the saints and
BECOMING more like His son through daily worship.

Our Core Ministries are  Evangelism (Believing), Family (Belonging) and Worship
(Becoming). All other ministries of Northeast Side Church are sub-ministries of these

The Northeast Side Church is being led by Pastoring Evangelist Jimmy L. Stokes, II.

We invite you to connect with us and start/continue your journey of growing in Christ.
Your spiritual growth is important to us, and we would like to help you navigate it
through our ministries. Northeast Side is the church for you to learn, grow and serve in
community. We’re looking forward to experiencing fellowship with you! Connect with us!

Pastoral Evangelist: Jimmy Stokes, II.
Minister’s Email:
Church’s Email:

Office: (901)266-0060

Deacons: Walter Portrum, Chris Liggins

Secretary: Diane Richardson